Diksha Chaudhary
2 min readOct 7, 2020



We often misunderstand “deciding to move on from something” with “Quitting”. Quitting has nothing to do with that. It is a far deeper concept than we think.

Quitting our jobs to do something else, quitting your earlier hobby of painting to try and learn guitar, quitting your dance lessons to now opt for music classes is not at all Quitting. It is just about realizing that you have spent quite a good amount of time doing one thing and now you wanna try something else. It is more about widening your knowledge base and exploring new things by entering into a new phase of learning.

While Quitting is about losing hope in something that you have always wanted to achieve or work for. It is about giving up even if you have the potential to work harder for it. It is a half-hearted and quite a times a sad decision of giving up. Whereas entering into a new phase is more of a happy and conscious decision of welcoming the new possibilities of life to add to your adventure and experiences.

One interesting thing about Quitting is, it is often related with smoking, and one might say it does have a positive impact there. Well it does, but there smoking is something that gives pleasure to people, temporary of-course, but still it does and there also, quitting is difficult, people may not want to give it up completely without having an alternate source of pleasure or happiness. It is a gradual process there too and takes a lot of courage in leaving something that you believed gave you happiness once.

So, I would say never quit working hard towards your goal and dreams (unless it is about driving temporary pleasures from smoking, well of-course that can not be anyone’s ultimate goal to achieve😉).

Keep learning and growing, rather than quitting and losing hope in yourself and your dreams😊

