PICK and HOLD, OR let it GO and FLOW

Diksha Chaudhary
3 min readOct 8, 2020


Do you realize that there is an amazing analogy between the thoughts that come to your mind and the people that come into your life?

Let’s try and see, how!

Just imagine a group of minions are going in a straight line in front of you and you are observing them. Now, you picked a minion of your choice and held it in your hand, talked to him for a while and then put it back in the line, he will then automatically move forward with the flow and will pass in some time.

The line of minion is actually a series of thoughts that comes to your mind every now and then, and can also be regarded as a series of people who crosses your path in your lifetime. Now, it is up to you which minion/thought/person you choose to spend time with and for how long.

Usually, our mind is in auto-pilot mode, a series of thoughts crosses by and it picks any random thought which then takes us to the respective memory lane and triggers some emotions, happy or sad they could be. We then, unconsciously spend time with it, feeling the emotion, becoming sad or happy until we realize we have had enough of it and we have got to come out of it, now, ‘that’ we do, consciously. The time we spend with the thought could be of a year, a month, a week, an hour or may be of few minutes, depending on the intensity of the thought and the depth of the feeling involved with it.

Same goes with people, you consciously pick a person assuming him/her to be of your tribe. You allow them to be a part of your life, to spend time with you, make memories with you and those memories get associated with some emotions which gets triggered when you think of the person.

After spending some time, when you realize you shouldn’t be spending time with that person anymore for whatever reason that could be, you consciously come out of the bond that you were in or you consciously lose hold of the person and let them go.

I call this theory of mine as Pick and hold theory, where we consciously or unconsciously pick things for ourselves (be it a thought or a person) to spend time with. We hold them in our minds or our lives till the time we want, we then, let them go and flow.

Doesn’t matter, if we pick something or not from the series, it has a nature of eventually moving on, you cannot hold a thought/person for long, and when you will put them in their line again, they will just pass. Because nothing stays, whether it is your thought, your people, your own life or your body. They are actually just a series of things that comes to this earth, and eventually they all pass.

